Differentiate Between Sustainable Development & Green Building
Sustainable Development |
Through the lecture and seminar sessions, I just wonder that I always made a big misunderstood about sustainable development and green building. I always thought that sustainable development is an equivalent with green building. My lecturer Ms. Liew Phaik San shared her experience, I understood that the differentiate between sustainable development and green building.
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is the only meets the current needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Hence, it shall balance environmental, social and economic issues to ensure a viable and valuable development for future generations.
Green Building
Green building is one of the aspect of sustainable development. However, it will provide an opportunity to use resources efficiency while creating healthier building that can improve occupant health and well being.
Sustainable Development and Green Building |
After the briefing, I found out that sustainable development is obtained more of the people to concern in the current construction industry because it can improve the high quality of the environment, economic and social aspects of the country. Thus, I would like to propose sustainable development in my proposal of redevelopment project. Through this assessment, I believe that I will hand over sustainable development project in my future career.
Pallet Wall
Please visit my group pallet wall presentation to get more detail information about the proposal of redevelopment project which located at 102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF by scanning the QR code or website link shown below: