Saturday, 28 June 2014

Week 4 - United Kingdom Planning Fundamentals

Town and Country Planning  Fundamentals

After the lecture and seminar instructed, I found out that Malaysia law in construction industries are very similar used in United Kingdom. This is because Malaysia law used British law (redirected from English law which applies in England and Wales) as their basic regulations especially Planning Application Process. Hence, most of the construction industry used law and regulation were amend from British law.

The Senior Courts of England and Wales

The Malaysian Parliament

Through the Sheffield City Council website, I understood that legal issues incur not only point stress on this seminar note. There is large number of possibility activities on site lead to court such as conservation area, regeneration urban design and others. Besides that, the basic contract between stakeholders can protect each project parties stick to their liability.

Sheffield City Council
Website :

As a result of the lecture and seminar note and Sheffield City Council website, there are limitation information to me. Therefore, I still need to further study other law and regulation to control the construction issues. Law and regulation uncover area will cover by the general law and law of tort. Onsite, there are large variety of issues lead to legal. Hence, it can improve my proper site management and program planning under RICS competency framework to reduce the possibility of legal issues rise.

Pallet Wall

Please visit my group pallet wall presentation to get more detail information about the proposal of redevelopment project which located at 102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF by scanning the QR code or website link shown below:

Friday, 20 June 2014

Week 3 - Construction Technical Issues

Site Analysis

Site analysis is included reference to the old Ordnance survey maps, geological maps and flood maps. This analysis allows me to understand the surface features and the topography on the existing building's land.   Hence, I can move forward with confidence to work in my future career. As an example, I can get a grade calculation to accurate cut-and-fill earthwork for saving of time and cost on a job site.

Sheffield Old Ordnance Map

The Flood Map of Sheffield Area

Location Analysis

Location analysis was carried out to survey the accessibility of the site and the surrounding building area. It is an important to know the surrounding economics activities and zoning planning in the area. By carrying out of this analysis, my teammates and I can determine the most suitable investment or redevelopment for the existing building. Besides that, we can get an idea to propose the redevelopment report.

The Surrounding Building Area

Pallet Wall

Please visit my group pallet wall presentation to get more detail information about the proposal of redevelopment project which located at 102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF by scanning the QR code or website link shown below:

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Week 2 - Matilda Street Site Survey

Site Condition Survey

In Front of Site Building
Back of Site Building
102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF

The assessment of this module into three storey building which located at 102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF.  The site building previously is a laboratory for Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) technology students,  existing building is a temporary storage space. Through the visual inspection with my teammates in the site building, I learned about the site condition basic knowledge. Site condition survey is to find out about the current building condition. It consists of materials use for each part of the building, defect of the building and investigates the reason of defect. Hence, it will allow us to understand about some part of an ancient building can be affected in the future redevelopment project.

Propose the Redevelopment Project

Through our group discussion about to propose the redevelopment project, I understood that the structural defect is the serious issues. Settlement of this building at the rear causes most of the nearest column and wall cracked. If the redevelopment project which are planned either refurbishment or demolition and rebuilt works have to be carry out to make sure the health and safety management into this building.

Internal Column and Wall Cracked

External Wall Cracked

Pallet Wall

Please visit my group pallet wall presentation to get more detail information about the proposal of redevelopment project which located at 102 Matilda Street, Sheffield S1 4QF by scanning the QR code or website link shown below:

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Week 1 - To Understand Integrated Project Assessment Brief

Module Brief

The module of Integrated Project is to learn about to demonstrate the complexity of the development project process, the delegation of roles and tasks carried out by individual professional disciplines and the way in which these are collaborated through participation in a performed, site based project in an interdisciplinary team.


The assessment of this module provides an excellent platform for me to push up my learning styles. It was classified into two (2) parts of tasks which are development report and reflective blog.

Part A : Development Report - Interdisciplinary Team Work

Interdisciplinary Team Work
The development report through the process of working collaboratively with teammates in order to achieve a goal in this assessment. Teammates will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback in this assessment. Hence, it can provide me a valuable opportunity to achieve high quality learning outcomes such as foster collaboration, as well as competition.

Part B : Reflective Blog


The reflective blog is an instrument to practice in writing and thinking reflection about this module. If I felt that unlike the typical of lecture's notes in which I "passively" the data or information given to me by lecturers, my blog can be reflected upon lessons I have learned and become to my personal record of my experience in lecture, tutorial and practical. Thus, it can help me to develop critical thinking, interest topics and challenging topic with other peoples.

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

This assessment also related about the RICS professional competence framework. Hence, it can help me to improve my knowledge skills and understand in my future career scopes.